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Showing posts from November, 2020

Various Types of Home Additions

Home Addition often adds finishing touches to an existing house, and sooner or later, home additions are inevitable. Even those homemakers who wish their house is big enough may sometimes feel that they want a more oversized kitchen, an extra bedroom, or a larger bathroom. That’s precisely where we come in. We at Black and White Construction provide the services of home additions in Houston . We have been in this industry for quite a while now, and since our inception, we know the various types of home additions that one can get done as one of the best home improvement contractors in Houston. This article will brief you about some of those: Attic/Basement Conversion Modern home builders in Houston, TX, believe this type of addition is not technically an addition. It instead adds living space to your home without changing the home footprint. As one of the best home improvement contractors in Houston, we have successfully converted existing unfinished space in a basement or attic for ma

Turn Your House into a Home with Custom-Home Builders

Although house and home are synonyms yet there’s a contrast in their meaning. While house refers to an establishment that provides shelter and safety. Home is a space that provides mental and emotional support, a place that provides a getaway from the stress and realities of the world. A home is a place that reflects your sense of style and helps you align your zen. And, a custom-built home does just that. Custom-home builders and general home contractor services provide many opportunities and advantages over pre-owned and existing houses. Apart from the lack of customization, older houses often come with time-consuming repairs, costly maintenance, and remodeling expenses.  Personalizing Your Abode Buying a new home is a huge investment that most people don’t plan to do any sooner at least for the next few years, once it’s done. Investing in a house is just like buying a car. You don’t want to buy a two-seater for a family of four. With some experienced and best home builders, you can